Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A Fourth of July Tablescape- A Star Performance

Happy Fourth of July!!!  

Are you ready to celebrate with a bang?  What better reason to have a blast than the holiday, the arrival of summer and an out-of-town visit from family.  So it is time to bring out what little decor I have and make it into a special moment.  A star-themed tablescape seemed to come together after I found my star pattern firecrackers I made a number of years ago.  The stars were the inspiration of a my holiday table.  

I am so happy and privileged to again be a participant in this month's Summer Blog Hop hosted by Panoply.  The hop begins on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 7 AM Eastern Time and includes a variety of tablescapes that define anything "summer".  The Little Yellow Corner Store has included this patriotic Fourth of July tablescape in this hop.  

At the end of this post you will find a list of participants and their links to each of their blogs.  Enjoy each and every table designer and their creations.  Their talents and artistic ability provides everyone with new ideas and inspiration for great summer time expressions and fun.  

Plenty of stars-----in cups, plates, candleholders and napkin rings turned into votive holders.

A huge mixutre of patterns......stars, stripes and checks.



And, of course, plenty of sparkle and bling from firecracker sprays, silver chargers and silver inserts in the cobalt blue napkins.  

And plenty of flags to remind us of the special day.


An appetite teaser of garlic cream cheese spread and crackers are the perfect way to stimulate the taste buds before the grill is fired up for dinner.  

This mini cheese dome made of glass is even decorated for the Fourth of July with red, white and blue window cling stars.  

Of course, refreshments of tart lemonade and fruit skewers can be served after dinner on the porch.  Fresh, sweet strawberries, blueberries, grapes and marshmallows on a skewer offers a light dessert.  The iced lemonade is a great thrist-quenching drink for adults and children alike.


Even the outside porch carries the star theme for the holiday.

And now for the over-the-top summer tablescapes.  I am certain you will be amazed with all of the outstanding ideas.  Happy Summer!!!!!

Hyacinths for the Soul - Summer Whimsy Tablescape
Home is Where the Boat Is - Stars and Stripes Alfresco Tablescape
Life and Linda - A Margaritaville Party
The Cat's Whiskerz - A Tropical Tablescape for Summer
The Little Yellow Corner Store - A Fourth of July Tablescape - A Star Performance
Pandora's Box - Pineapple Delight
Thrifting Wonderland - Morning Tea in the Garden
Corner of Plaid and Paisley - Summer Road Trip
The Painted Apron - Summer Sea Shells
Red Cottage Chronicles - Summer Afternoon Tea Party Ideas
Celebrating Everyday Life - Simple Homespun Patriotic Table Decor


  1. Marsha, you have captured the essence of "Stars and Stripes, forever!" I love your whimsical centerpiece and your cream cheese spread looks delicious. Pinned! Blessings, Cecilia @ My Thrift Store Addiction

  2. This is so fun and festive! I love the red, white and blue pattern mix! The firecrackers are so cute and I love the fruit kebabs in the bucket and the drink jars with decorative lids. You are all set for summer and the patriotic holidays! Cute cute plates, cups, straws and I love the way you did the napkins~Wonderful!

  3. How much fun! I like how your centerpieces are festive and practical. I love the fireworks! And the bucket with the fruit kabobs is a brilliant idea. the pinwheels are a smart idea for decor because they're so shiny! The star theme is very cute and patriotic. I like it!

  4. The firecrackers are so clever!! And i adore your little cheese spreaders. Great idea to decorate your cheese cloche with window cling decor!! You fruit skewers are so cute and look delish. This is a perfect Patriotic Table!

  5. Marsha, such a lovely patriotic table you set, packed with so much pizazz. From the pretty gingham tablecloth, to the plates and cups, your table packs a punch. The fruit kabobs are such a cute idea and look fun fabulous in your decorated bucket. Let freedom shine.🇺🇸 Always a pleasure hopping along with you. Happy upcoming summer.

  6. Three cheers for the red, white and blue Marsha! Your firecracker sprays are so festive and what a fun way to serve your fruit kabobs. I love the addition of the star clings on your cloche, what a clever and easy way to add some patriotic flair! As always, it’s a treat to join you at the table and hop with you again, Happy Summer!

  7. Marsha, I would love to be a guest at your Fourth of July celebration! Your table celebrating our country is beautiful! I adore anything red, white, and blue. The fresh lemonade and fruit skewers sounds yummy too! Wishing you a happy Summer! Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors

  8. Marsha, how very cute, all your ideas here for a patriotic party! Those clings on the glass are a great idea, as are the firecrackers and fruit skewers. Using the napkin rings as votives is a smart idea too. And your porch is just as welcoming as the table. Thanks so much for bringing the patriotic ideas to the blog hop. Oh, and I like your new profile picture! Happy summer!

  9. I love your table Marsha! It's perfect for the holiday and for serving all your guests. The colors are so fun and inviting, and you've thought of all the little touches! I love the dessert skewers - I'm definitely going to borrow that idea. But my favorite is your fun festive centerpiece! I feel like I'm right in the middle of the firework action! Thanks for sharing your wonderful table!

  10. Marsha, the mix of graphic patterns and bold colors is very festive, and announces "the party is here!" I like the way you used items in ways other than their initial purpose to add interest, like the napkin rings as votive holders. The way you've arrayed the dessert kabobs as a decorative touch is inspired. I would almost hate to retrieve one -- though of course I would! Enjoy the Fourth and your summer!
