Thursday, January 29, 2015

Decadent Chocolate Covered Aronia

What better way to start off my new category, Kitchen Creations, than to create a post for my chocolate covered aronia.  Just in time for Valentine's Day too.  Since my son, Julius, is looking at selling his 100% organic, bottled and pasteurized aronia juice, I have been looking into ways in which one could use it besides for medicinal purposes.  And what better way to use it than mixing it with chocolate!  Since aronia has been an overlooked and under valued berry, it is time to bring it to life.  It can be used in both sweet and savory dishes and has such wonderful health benefits.  I can't wait for summer when we can pick the berries and I can try it in a salsa recipe.  Yum!  For now, enjoy the sweet and tart mix of the chocolate aronia.

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